Ducklings Early Learning Centers


Summer Tips to Keeping Kids (and Your Family) on Track

Summer is finally here! And while that may be exciting for some (fun adventures and no alarm clock!) it can cause panic in others (the routine just flew out the window!). The good news is that there *is* a way to strike a balance between ice cream for dinner and strict chore charts without feeling stressed.

If you’re still using a child care center throughout the summer then a lot of your routine will stay the same. But there are long holiday weekends and spontaneous days that add to the mix.

Maybe you’re starting the process and searching “day care centers near me” for the fall. Let’s make this summer a great one!

These warm months are meant to be enjoyed. Here are a few easy tips to keeping you and your family on track this summer with as many smiles as possible and some play-based curriculum thrown in.

Summer reading to wind down

Children love being read to, and sometimes that can get lost in the bustle of the day. Make sure to carve out some time before bed to read. This doesn’t have to be a rigid rule, just something to keep in mind when planning your evening. There are a few ways to make it fun and summer-focused, which helps attention span and cognitive learning.

  • Choose a list of books that have to do with activities you’re planning or places you’re going to visit. This can help build excitement and ease any fears of the unknown.
  • Let every family member add to the list of books and then choose together
  • Pick a theme and tie in a meal or foods related to the books that week.

If your child is attending a daycare center over the summer, check-in and see what they are doing each week and tie in some books at home that pertain to class.

Family meetings

Family meetings are a great way to connect as a family. If you have never held one summer is a great time to start! These meetings should be held regularly and not just when there is a problem. This is a time to discuss the week and make plans together, so make them something to look forward to. Try pairing the meeting with a special ritual, such as tea and cookies or popcorn. Some great questions to start could be:

  • What’s something wonderful someone did for you this week?
  • What’s coming up next week?
  • What was your favorite thing about this week?

Hearing from everyone strengthens family bonds and helps pave the way for deeper communication as the years go on.

Dinner with a twist

The days are longer, and with extra daylight it’s easy to eat dinner outside. If you’re using the grill you can explain the cooking process and how the grill works (don’t touch it’s hot!) to your child–this can develop their interest in cooking. You could plan a picnic at a favorite park and have your child help shop for the items and suggest what would be good to eat. Eating at places other than the kitchen table can be fun and exciting, especially when the weather is gorgeous.

Many early learning centers also take advantage of the enjoyable weather and have snacktime or lunch outside as well. Fresh air and sunshine are always good things, whether at home or at school. Or both!

Summer is a wonderful time to connect with your children and have fun, while also being mindful of sleep schedules and exhaustion from too many activities. Once you find the balance that works best for your family these next few months will fly by. Stay on track without making yourself stressed and everyone will have fun.

If you’re looking for a high-quality child care center near me in Philadelphia, turn to Ducklings Early Learning Center. Children can look forward to fun, themed enrichment activities, plentiful outdoor playtime, and socialization with their peers. Our well-trained teachers encourage children to explore the world around them with a focus on mind, body, heart, and family. Families can feel confident that students are engaged in an age-appropriate daycare curriculum in a safe, compassionate environment. Our childcare education is well-rounded and has the whole child in mind.