Ducklings Early Learning Centers


The Benefits of Daycare for Kids & Parents


The Benefits of Daycare for Kids and Parents The decision to send your child to a daycare center is often fraught with worry and doubt. And while it may be an exciting milestone, it can also bring feelings of guilt which is quite normal. As you near the big day you may wonder if the […]

Summer Tips to Keeping Kids (and Your Family) on Track


Summer Tips to Keeping Kids (and Your Family) on Track Summer is finally here! And while that may be exciting for some (fun adventures and no alarm clock!) it can cause panic in others (the routine just flew out the window!). The good news is that there *is* a way to strike a balance between […]

How Our Play-Based Curriculum Encourages Kids to Grow


How Our Play-Based Curriculum Encourages Kids to Grow Studies are showing that children learn more through play than through direct instruction. That makes sense because it’s easier to pay attention and be excited about something when it’s fun and engaging. At Ducklings Early Learning Centers, we acknowledge that children are not adults, and allowing them […]

Understanding Developmental Milestones


Understanding Developmental Milestones Rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking are all important milestones. Children are learning them every day whether they realize it or not. Each age has a set of milestones that are necessary for development, and it’s a good idea to make sure that your childcare center is fostering an environment that encourages […]

How Crafts Help with Children’s Motor Skills


How Crafts Help with Children’s Motor Skills It’s March and approaching the end of winter–what a great time to celebrate National Crafting Month! There are so many joys and benefits to crafting with children of all ages, but especially those between 3-8 years old. That’s why we make sure our childcare education incorporates daily craft […]

Helping Your Child Develop Habits That They Can & Will Keep


Helping Your Child Develop Habits That They Can and Will Keep The new year is a perfect time to work on some new habits, not only for parents but children as well. People can develop good habits at any age, and it’s critical to teach children while they are young. Childhood habits can stick with […]